Tuesday ended 3 1/2 years of working at a Pre-School.
It was the longest I had ever worked at one place, and it was a place that held many many memories.
I will never forget the first time I walked into Wee Care. I wondered how I would ever learn all the kids' names and I wondered if working 40 hours a week with them would prove too stressful.
Well, over the last few years I watched kids come into my room from the two's room and then saw them get onto the school bus for their first day of school. I developed relationships with several of the kids and felt almost as though I was parenting.
I hope that I was able to influence these children as much as they influenced me. They truly molded me into the person I have become. The memories I made are ones I will always carry with me in my heart.
Where ever your future may lead you, just remember that those years you spent teaching at Wee Care were not a waste. You truly touched the lives of those children and mine as well! We all miss you so very much.