May 5, 2011

Little Women

We bear our souls and tell the most appalling of secrets. [Amy]
He's dull as powder, Meg.  Can't you at least marry someone amusing? [Jo]
Do you love Laurie more than you love me? [Amy] Don't be silly!  I could never love anyone more than I love my sisters. [Jo]
You don't need scores of suitors, you need only one...if he's the right one. [Amy]
I know I shall be homesick for you...even in heaven. [Beth]

Louisa May Alcott's Little Women is a beloved classic.  To my sisters and I it was like reading a page from our own lives.  Of course, our Father was not off at war, nor did we call our Mom, Marmee (actually Lauren does), but it was a book about sisters.  Sisters who were alot like all of us.  Just last night I was reminded of squabbles we would get into over who was more like what character from this classic.  Of course no one wanted to be Beth, after all who wants to be the melancholy, sweet one, who dies prematurely...:)  Lauren is without a doubt exactly like Amy.  She is ornery and when she was younger knew just how to get on my nerves just as Amy did Jo's.  She is dramatic and sanguine and I can just picture Lauren having to have those limes!  And of course, Brooke would have been the sweet Meg who would have given her hard earned money to let her.  I, on the other hand would have been very much against it as was Jo.  Nicole, Brooke, and Lauren...little women very similar to the March sisters. I remember trying to imitate the scene where Jo is eating an orange from Mr. Bair while writing her manuscript.  I would sit at my desk, trying to peal the orange while trying not to get the juices on my homework, wondering all the while how Jo did it... My sisters and I would even put on our productions, not near as good as the March's, but we sure would try.  And, oh how we longed for a neighbor like Laurie!  :)   There is the fighting and yelling at times, but when disaster strikes us LaBate girls can stand shoulder to shoulder and hold our own, just as Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy did.  I love having a sister and being a sister, it truly is one of God's greatest gifts!


  1. i still think, Nicole that you make a better Beth than Jo, jk ;)
    ~Lauren aka (Amy)

  2. haha! I can totally see you three acting this out! Lauren is definitely AMY!!! I totally agree! :)

  3. Well Jo- just thought I'd point get married last to the old poor guy :)- Meg



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