Sep 8, 2011

looking back...


{September 8, 1999}



{September 8, 2011}

Happy Birthday to the first man I ever fell in love with.
The guy who I still go to for advice.
The man who knows a little bit about everything-
Who taught me how to ride a bike,
fry an over-easy egg (or as we called it dip-dip egg)
cut in and tape before painting,
wax a car,
shoot hoops,
 how to see the best in others,
and live to please God.

I love you, Daddy!

~your little girl

Come see some of my photography over at Serendipity-Images.


  1. You girls are beautiful and your dad doesn't look like he's aged at all!!!!!

  2. Neat idea to re-create the old photo! Makes me want to dig out the albums and do the same!

    Happy Birthday Mr. LaBate, hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Wow! That is so neat! BTW- Thanks so much for getting that cd for me. It's saved to the network now! :)They used two of the pics for the posters we send to churches.

  4. @Jack-it was fun, that picture has always been a fav of mine; also my Dad says, "Thanks!" :)
    @Rachel-glad you could use some of those pictures; can't believe they were from a year ago...let me know about that college activity-definitely would like to get some updated shots!



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