Jun 25, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

I haven't had much time to post due to my work hours this last week...I have been opening, meaning I have to be to work before 6:30...that's a.m. in case you were wondering! Anyways, my evenings have been pretty busy this week and I'm exhausted and ready for bed earlier than usual, which cuts out any blogging I may have wanted to do...
Here is my work week in pictures...

This is our brand new playground made with +20,000 milk jugs!
Can you believe the things they can make out of recycled goods?
We no longer have mulch, which is a huge benefit-less dirty
and a whole lot less painful on the knees.
The ground is made out of 2,500 recycled tires!
Sarah B and Me, chilling in the shade...
Sarah B and my mature sibling doing what
they do best...acting weird!
Every Monday and Thursday we have sprinkler day...
a highlight of the kids' week!
"Libby Lu" taking a break from the sprinkler
Logan refuses to go in the sprinkler, so we hang out
under the tree and look for frogs!
We celebrated Brooke's birthday by eating Popsicles,
which the children really enjoyed!
Madeline is the photogenic one of the bunch!

Yum, yum, yummy!

Comparing flavors...

My little ham!

So, I've got to say I really love my job...I mean where else can you get paid to eat Popsicles, play in the sprinkler, or run around on a recycled playground??

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