Nov 16, 2011

a look back

I was going through some old photos from my highschool days
and came across some pictures of the "foursome."

From 7th-12th grade we were the inseparable crew.

We were all so very different.
Different goals, different plans, different ideals...

But that's what made our friendship so special...
At my 16th birthday party we all sat down and individually compiled a list of what we were looking for in a future mate.  After all, college was just two years away and we wanted to put this down on paper!  :)
I hung on to them through the years and was able to give Theresa hers when she was married in 2010.

Tabitha was married in August, but amongst all the wedding activities I entirely forgot about this piece of paper.
Until yesterday...

As I read through her list, I suddenly felt nostalgic.
I could see us all giggling on the couch as we made out these ideals.  

I contemplated on her list and found myself comparing it with her hubby-David.

I could feel the tears welling up as I discovered what I had not known as a 16 year old.
God will give you your match
Tabitha's list pretty much sums of David.

He was her ideal as a 16 year old and she didn't even know it!

Today I am missing her; missing the foursome of high school days past,
however I am so very happy that God gave her the desires of her heart by putting David in her life.

Come see some of my photography over at Serendipity-Images.


  1. Awwwww!!!!! What a sweet post! I love it! (well, maybe not some of those pics, although I no longer look like that, so who cares!) Sweetie, this brought back so many wonderful wonderful memories! Can't wait to have my own blog post with my list some day!!! :) (haha, I honestly don't remember what I wrote) Love you, and this made me miss you sooooooo much! :(

  2. aww..this was soo made me tear up a lil.. i miss those days and the four of us you :)
    tab :)



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